Vote of Thanks
Vote of Thanks
I want to thank my daughters Alijah and Nicole, how many times have you had to hear me going through my book and what I want to achieve. Thank you for the image of me you portray both in your lives and in the photographs you took of me for this book and website.
I could not have done it without you .
I could not have done it without you .
My older sister Millicent without you I would probably lose the plot, your unconditional love is amazing. My baby sister Milinda, my confidant, your voice I will always hear, the times I have read this to you, you probably know it by heart.
I am because you are!
I am because you are!
My mother the strongest woman I know, your wisdom I will always cherish. My dad ER my best friend the first male love of my life you inspire me always.
In It together
In It together
My bosses for encouraging me with this book. Felix for your encouragement, and reviewing the cover and sense checking the content. The BAME community for giving the platform to spring board and show case my book. My friends those who encouraged me to write the stories told by many to perhaps paint a picture that may one day be seen.
Are You Listening
Are You Listening

Dr. Marionette Zvavamwe
Dr. Marionette Zvavamwe

To my family, you have been the rock which I stand on, which stabilizes me. To my Dad "ER" you are the shoulders that have lifted me higher. To my mum, a strong woman of colour, you showed me I can face anything and survive. To my maternal grandmother your fear of God has grounded me spiritually. To my daughters, you are my inspiration your voices matter my future queens. My extended family I soar higher because of you. I know where I belong and where I am valued because of your support throughout the years. To my sons rise up, don’t sleep, take up your rightful places in the world, my future kings.
copy right Marionette Zvavamwe
copy right Marionette Zvavamwe